Saturday, November 26, 2011

Top 10 Mysterious Human Behaviors That Science Could Not Completely Explain

Science has made many interesting and important discoveries. But amazingly, there are a lot of things like human nature that science can’t explain. We humans are very complex and mysterious creatures. We do things that we ourselves could not explain and most of the times, we do these things unconsciously. We don’t even realize that we keep doing these things frequently. These behaviors are so strange that even science cannot explain why humans do these things. Here are the top 10 human behaviors that science can’t explain.


Blushing is a human behavior that we do unconsciously. Our cheeks turn red usually when we lie, showing a sign of weakness or being insecure. Humans also blush when meeting someone important, receiving a compliment and experiencing strong emotions in social situations. This means that blushing is a natural reaction of humans to social attention. Darwin struggled to explain this reaction. According to scientists, as veins in the face dilate, more blood flows to the cheeks and this produces a rosy complexion.


Many people say that laughter is the best medicine. This is because mood-improving endorphins are produced when we laugh. Thus, we feel more comfortable and happy. More endorphins are produced by banal comments than jokes. Laughter is strange. It disseminates positive emotions and reduces stress. Humans also urge to yell out spastically when laughing. This is a way of spreading the positive emotions, decreasing stress and contributes to group cohesion.


Kissing originated from ancient times when humans feed their children using their mouths. This reinforced a link about sharing saliva and pleasure. Today, all human societies do it. It is a strange biological instinct. Pheromones are released during the act of kissing which unconsciously makes people become increasingly interested or not interested in sex. Kissing is a biological instinct where people use smell and taste to assess the potential mates. The more people kiss, the more they know each other since it gives signals to the brain about the other person. Feelings of sociality, love, and trust are felt by a person after a kiss.


Humans spend a third of their time sleeping. Sleep allows the brain to maintain chemical production. Sleeping is important for memory and learning. Humans dream when sleeping. Dreaming lets us humans see strange visions when we sleep. The scientific theory behind dreaming is that everything that we do is not by chance and every action or thought is registered in our subconscious. Humans hold back urges and impulses because of today’s civilized society. These urges and impulses are released to our dreams.


Nose picking is a weird, unappealing habit that people do four times on the average daily. It is said that nose-picking combined with nasal mucus eating is beneficial to the immune system. Nose picking in public is considered an improper or unacceptable act despite being a very common habit. It provokes mixed feelings of disgust and amusement to different kinds of people. Nose picking can or may become an obsessive-compulsive disorder which can lead to a medical issue called rhinotillexomenia.

6. ART

Art is a product or process of showing symbolic significance in a way that it influences and affects the senses emotions and intellect. Art includes painting, dancing, sculpturing, and music. These activities are ways of improving knowledge and sharing experiences. Humans have the tendency to always show thoughts and emotions through art works. Art formerly refers to any skill or mastery and it was changed during the Romantic Period when art came to be seen as a “special faculty of the human mind to be classified with religion and science”.


Blinking is our bodies’ mechanism to suppress activities in several areas of the brain responsible for detecting environmental changes. This makes humans perceive the world in sustainability. It is the brains ability to ignore momentary blackouts. Blinking is also an activity of removing dust particles and distributes lubricating fluid into the eyeball. Humans do not intend to blink but it happens subconsciously.


Everything we eat or drink gives us gas. It is normal to fart from 15 to 20 times a day. The fart odor comes from the gas produced by intestinal bacteria. As the human body process food into nutrients in the gut, the intestinal microbes process undigested foods and in the process produce hydrogen sulfide which has a foul odor. This odor is similar to that of rotten eggs.


Hiccups are the involuntary spasms of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscular membrane in the chests that is important in breathing. A spell of hiccups ensues when the diaphragm is irritated due to too much food or too little food in the stomach. Strangely, hiccups are useless and annoying. They have no apparent purpose. It is hypothesized that hiccups are remnants of primitive sucking reflex. People have found a variety of creative ways to minimize or stop hiccups. Though some of them sound impossible, some people found it effective.

10. CRY

Scientists believe that crying is the act of releasing the unwanted hormones in tears and other proteins produced during stress mass. When this happens, it is termed as a ‘good cry’. Humans are the only creatures that could weep with emotion. They cry to communicate feelings. Crying often happens when a person is sad or in grief and sometimes when a person is overflowing with happiness. This is what we popularly term as tears of joy.

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